November 5, 2012

Who and What is Quetzalcoatl?

Crop Circle, July 29, 2011 near Inkpen, Wiltshire.  

It is interesting that one of the biggest crop circles ever seen in England looks as if it symbolizes a Cosmic Serpent, DNA Activation and Earth’s Kundalini Awakening.

Who and What is Quetzalcoatl?

For those of our beloved Global Family who are unfamiliar with the word and energy of Quetzalcoatl, we would like to take a moment to elaborate on this incredible forcefield awakening within our beings at this time.

Throughout history, ancient civilizations such as the Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians and Sumerians have referred to a "sky-god" who would return from Venus at specific times to again instruct humanity when the hour of liberation was at hand. According to the Mayan calendar, we are NOW in the time of Quetzalcoatl's much anticipated return.

That being said, there has been an expanded awareness that has graced our Group Soul, that has allowed us to perceive this "return" not as an individual being or deity but as an expression of our Divine Self. The energy is the same energy held and radiated by Jesus the Christ, Krishna, the Buddha and the other beloved Avatars who selflessly paved the Path to Liberation.

Quetzalcoatl was also known as "the Feathered Serpent" which many know as the sacred metaphor representing our human DNA and it's foretold activation and uncoiling. As many wayshowers across the globe begin to sense the rising of our collective kundalini, the spectacular revelation that WE are going to BECOME the living incarnation of Quetzalcoatl will begin to circulate through the unified field. With this powerful presence being born within us, we can share in the cosmic joy of co-creating the most incredible vistas of the New Earth.

It is our daily practice of attuning to the Group Soul, building the rhythm of oneness, that will ensure our transformation into the physical expressions of Quetzalcoatl. As a race, we are piggybacking on a planet that is undergoing the very same activation!
This provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to share in the divine energy coursing through the living matrix, supporting the unification of our divine masculine and feminine energies as well as the complete hemispheric synchronization of our left and right brains. From this point of sacred merging, we solidify the reality of Quetzalcoatl in our lighted beings and reserve the privilege of ascending with our beloved Earth Mother.


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