November 3, 2012

(VIDEO) Pentagon Wants Rescue Robots Built In Time For the Next “Natural Disaster”

In the wake of Tropical Storm Sandy, the Pentagon has requested that a team of “rescue robots” be engineered in time for the next “natural disaster”.

The DARPA Robotics Challenge is putting out the call for a synthetic force that can be designed for autonomous thought; yet mitigate the risk to human life when preforming a rescue mission.

According to Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA): “Our best robotic tools are helping, but they are not yet robust enough to function in all environments and perform the basic tasks needed to mitigate a crisis situation. Even in degraded post-disaster situations, the environment is scaled to the human world, requiring navigation of human obstacles such as doors and stairs, manipulation of human objects such as vehicles and power tools, and recognition of common human objects such as levers and valves.”

DARPA has awarded Boston Dynamics, Inc. a $10.9 million contract to manufacture humanoid robots that are bi-pedal, built like humans and have a sensor head with on-board computing capabilities. Completion of the project is expected for August of 2014.

Another of DARPA’s interests into robotics is the Avatar for the allocation of bi-pedal robots and essential super-soldiers and has devoted $7 million of its $2.8 billion 2012 budget to developing “interfaces and algorithms to enable a soldier to effectively partner with a semi-autonomous bi-pedal machine and allow it to act as the soldier’s surrogate.”

These human-controlled robots will be strong enough to “clear a room” and “facilitate sentry control and combat causality recovery.” Yet these “terminators” would easily be the most effective weapon against civil unrest or radical revolutionaries that did not subscribe to the globalist agenda.

DARPA’s Autonomous Robotic Manipulation (ARM) program seeks to find ways to utilize different remote robotic manipulation systems that are controlled by humans. This program is divided into 3 aspects:

• Hardware: to design dexterous multi-fingered robotic hands
• Software: develop complex algorithms for grasping, manipulation and sensory perception
• Outreach: beta-testing robotics in public forums to further study robotic autonomy offering a $2 million prize, seven teams providing hardware, humanoid prototypes and engineering to provide ideas about how a synthetic rescue force should be created. Not all entries are humanoid; some having 3 legs and one arm, one being the size of a 10 year old boy,
being used on the International Space Station, preforms tasks that are too dangerous or mundane for the astronauts in space. Both Robonaut 1 and 2 were commissioned and created by General Motors (GM) and Oceaneering Space Systems engineers who expedited the technological advancements of these anthropomorphic robots.

In 2010, DARPA revealed a robot at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Conference in Denver that was interactive in a public forum. Participants would write software and have the robot preform specified tasks. The goal of this event was to show that robots were being developed by the US government to preform “dangerous tasks” such as disarming an explosive device thereby reducing “significant human interaction”.

Universities and other government-controlled agencies such as Carnegie Mellon University, HRL Laboratories, iRobot, NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory, SRI, and the University of Southern California, provided teams of researchers to write software for DARPA.
In March, the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) announced the development of SAFFiR, the Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot. SAFFiR will be an autonomous bipedal humanoid robot, based on the CHARLI-L1 robot created at Virginia Tech.

The robot’s bi-pedal structure fits perfectly on a naval ship; with narrow corridors, hatches and ladders. The other benefit is the assured relativeness of this artificial intelligence with the human crew it will be interacting with on a daily basis. Its features will be comprehension and possibly the ability to respond to naturally spoken language as opposed to simple commands.

SAFFIR will be equipped with sensory devices, a video camera, gas sensors and a stereo infrared camera that will enable it to see through smoke. Its titanium joints will allow for fluid movement.

These robots, although only semi-autonomous, have been theorized from the gaming community arising out of first-person-shooting games. A team of robots could be under the direction of one human operator. The purpose of this robotic technology would be to seek out and detect non-cooperative human subjects.

The beginning stages of the global Elite’s visions for “robots to hunt down humans like a pack of dogs” are becoming a reality. These robots will be armed and autonomous. Their cranium sensors will be able to “detect human breath and the radio waves associated with a human heart beat.”

A force of robotic “peacekeepers” that are programed to become violent without remorse – will enable the government to organize and act where human law enforcement may hesitate. 

By Susanne Posel


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