November 11, 2012

Asteroid NIBIRU: Could the Mayans have been right? The asteroid that may spell doom for the world.

- The Original Article by CNN November 4th 2012 -

A hazy photo of the asteroid Nibiru as it is being illuminated by the Sun. The asteroid, which is the size of Texas, may collide with the Earth in late December.
Asteroid NIBIRU
This is the Original Article that was shared by CNN on November 4th 2012, and then mysteriously cancelled immediately, few hours after the publishing. NASA scientist Rob Murray released his opinion about it :

Could the Mayans have been right? The asteroid that may spell doom for the world.

By Wayne Drash, CNN
8.58 PM EST, Sun November 4, 2012

A hazy photo of the asteroid Nibiru as it is being illuminated by the Sun. The asteroid, which is the size of Texas, may collide with the Earth in late December.

Possible world-ending asteroid.

(CNN) - According to NASA scientists, those Mayans may have been on to something. One of our correspondents spoke with Rob Murray, a NASA scientist, earlier this morning. "I think it's a little early to be calling this the end of the world." he said in response to our reporter's question. "there's only about a ten percent chance of impact occurring, but we've got to remember what's going to.
It's not going to be like the earth got nuked or something."

The asteroid, Nibiru, took NASA by surprise in mid-October when it appeared after being masked by a phenomenon know as "Extreme Doppler Shift" an astronomical phenomena that had been to this point purely theoretical. A natural extension of the Doppler effect, the extreme ultraviolet shift of the light emitted by the Asteroid appears to have masked it from NASA instruments up to this point it has been tentatively named Nibiru, an affectionate name that Astronomers have for the public's tendency to grab a doomsday scenario and run with it.

Before our correspondent left, Murray encouraged her to not spread panic, "Remember, we've had a lot of things like this. Y2k is probably the one that most people remember. People tend to sensationalize. Just be prepared and don't get caught up in the stories, because I guarantee you more will be coming."
CNN Original Article November 4, 2012

By Dan Keying



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