November 12, 2012

Rise of atmospheric CO2 can cause more space junk collisions

Scientists warn  that a build-up of carbon dioxide in the upper levels of Earth’s atmosphere can cause a faster accumulation of man-made space junk, resulting in more collisions.

Rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide in upper level of Earth’s atmosphere is expected to gradually result in a cooler, more contracted high-altitude atmospheric layer or thermosphere, and a consequent reduction in the atmospheric drag experienced by satellites, according to  a statement from the Naval Research Laboratory. 

New study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, explains that contracted thermosphere reduces atmospheric drag on satellites, which causes changes in orbits of satellites by drawing them closer to Earth. For example, ISS needs to use on-board engines to maintain the course and orbit. Already unstable orbital debris environment is threatened by chaos.

Scientists warn  that a build-up of carbon dioxide in the upper levels of Earth’s atmosphere can cause a faster accumulation of man-made space junk, resulting in more collisions.

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